Sunday, May 22, 2011


I hate hospitals. They're like jail, but far smellier. I hate the hospital smell. The one that lingers on you as soon as you enter any corridor. It clings to you, the smell of sickness. It gives your nostril hell, reminding you to keep clean, to keep healthy, or you could be next.

It's even worse for Lonely Hearts agents. We're paranoid. Any doctor could be aligned with a Fear, any doctor could be planning on killing you silently. Of course, sometimes this paranoia is irrational. If a Lonely Hearts agent is hurt, it's made sure that that agent is admitted to a Lonely Hearts special district hospital or clinic as soon as possible. In these sections of the healthy industry, it's usually made sure that there is no foreign influence from the Fears. Of course, some things slip through the cracks sometimes...

But the worst part is, that restless feeling. That beats all of it. The smell, the danger... it has nothing on that feeling. You want to get up and move, to do anything, but you just can't.

That's what I hate the most about right now. I don't want to think of anything except for my dislike of this hospital. That's all there is right now. Nothing else.

I'm in this hospital, and I hate it. That's all there is to life. This bed, my body, and my restless dreams.

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